My goal is simple. It is complete understanding of human wellbeing, why it is as it is and how it can be improved. In addition, I continue in my pursuit of being authentic, creative, open, pro-active, independent, altruistic, brave, and accepting...
Aaron's Qualifications
Since beginning tertiary study in 1995, I have amassed a Bachelors of Social Sciences with a double major in Psychology and Philosophy, a Bachelors of Social Sciences with honours in philosophy, and Graduate Diploma of Applied Ethics - all from the University of Waikato (1995-1999). I then completed a Bachelor of Arts with honours in psychology and Masters of Arts in psychology from Massey University (2001-2002). In 2003 I completed a Diploma in Computing, before moving to the University of Canterbury where I studied a Diploma in Clinical Psychology (I managed 2 years and 8 months through this 3 year program) and completed my PhD in psychology in December 2010. Most recently I've completed a Post-Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching through the University of Otago in 2011.
Short Bio
Associate Professor Aaron Jarden is Director of the Masters of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne. He is an award winning wellbeing consultant, social entrepreneur, has multiple qualifications in philosophy, computing, education, and psychology, and is a prolific author and presenter. He has previously been a Senior Research Fellow at Flinders University, and Head of Research at the Wellbeing and Resilience Centre at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI). He is past president of the New Zealand Association of Positive Psychology, co-editor of the Q1 journal International Journal of Wellbeing, and lead investigator for the International Wellbeing Study amongst others.
Aaron's blog:
Associate professor Aaron Jarden is regularly featured in media such as:
Associate professor Aaron Jarden is regularly featured in media such as:
Research and ProjectsCurrent
Current research questions
- What is wellbeing?
- Who is responsible for wellbeing?
- What are the best ways to improve wellbeing?
- What is bigger and better than wellbeing?
Aaron's Publications
CV as at Nov 2024 - click here.
h-index = 27 (Google Scholar, Nov 2024)
Orcid ID:
Scopus ID: 55911482800
Researcher ID: O-6937-2015
Skype name: live:aaron_8525
Peer-reviewed publications
Other publications (non peer-reviewed)
h-index = 27 (Google Scholar, Nov 2024)
Orcid ID:
Scopus ID: 55911482800
Researcher ID: O-6937-2015
Skype name: live:aaron_8525
Peer-reviewed publications
- Easton, R. J., Jarden, A., Huppert, R., & Roschanzamir, N. (2024). The life and impact of Professor Felicia Huppert: A eulogy, reflections, and a celebration of a life well lived. International Journal of Wellbeing, 14(3), 4617, 1-42. (audio review)
- Montoya, A. I A., Matthew, S. M., Jarden, A., Hazel, S. J., & McArthur, M. L. (2024). Moral conflict and moral distress in veterinarians: A mixed-methods approach. (accepted in press, Australian Veterinary Journal)
- Martin, C., & Jarden, A. (2024). How relational mobility can shape working hours mismatches: A study of Asian-White contrasts. (accepted in press, New Zealand Journal of Psychologoy).
- Jarden, R., J., Jarden, A., Bujalka, H., Weiland, T., Brockenshire, N., Taylor, G, Gerdtz, M. F. (2024). Community-based health program for nurses and midwives: A mixed methods evaluation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 00, 1-24. (audio review)
- Beresford, K., Kern, M. L., & Jarden, A. (2024). The Creative-being Model: The role of negative emotion in creative flourishing and the impact on positive education. Journal of Positive Psychology. pp. 1-13. (audio review)
- Phillips, E., L., Jarden, A., & Bowles, T. (2024). A study of virtual reality and the empathetic experience in Australian Secondary Students. The Australian Educational Researcher. (audio review)
- Jarden, A. (2024) The impact of meaning. [Part 3: Chapter 1]. In L. C. J. Wong (Ed.), Undefeatable: The saga of Paul T. P. Wong's search for meaning and happiness in a difficult world. INPM Press. (accepted, in press).
- Silapurem, L., Slepm, G. R., & Jarden, A. (2024). Longitudinal job crafting research: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. pp. 1-35. (audio review)
- Jarden, A., Downie, A., Finter, K., & Jarden, R. (2024). Next level flourishing in education: A case study of ‘wholebeing’. In G. Arslan & M. Yıldırım (Eds.), Handbook of Positive School Psychology Interventions: Evidence-Based Practice for Promoting Youth Mental Health. pp. 123-144. Springer. (audio review)
- Jarden, A., Roche, A., & Jarden, R. (2024). Measuring wellbeing in coaching. In J. Passmore, B. Bajaj, & L. Oades (Eds.), The Health & Wellbeing Coaches Handbook: A Practitioner's Guide for Clinicians, Coaches and Health Professionals, Chapter 20, pp. 251-265, Abingdon, Routledge. (audio review)
- Sanri, C., & Jarden, A. (2023). Do our relationships make us healthier? Physiological correlates of social connections and close relationships. In J. BurkeI. Boniwell, B. Frates, L. S. Lianov, & C. O'Boyle (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Positive Health Sciences, pp. 180-203. London: Routledge. (audio review)
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., Lomas, T., & Yuan, A., Wu, Y., & Zhan, C. (2023). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (version 2.0: Chinese). International Journal of Wellbeing, 11(3), 1-37.
- Jarden, A. (2023). The essence of happiness and wellbeing. In L. Bormans (Ed.), The New World Book of Happiness, Firefly Books.
- Montoya, A. I A., Matthew, S. M., Jarden, A., Hazel, S. J., & McArthur, M. L. (2023). The moral deliberation pathway in veterinary practice: A qualitative study. Veterinary Record. 2023;e3173.
- Jarden, A., & Roache, A. (2023). What is wellbeing? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, 1-4.
- Roache., A, Jarden, A, Rashid, T, & Lomas, T. (2023). Positive ethical practice for coaching excellence and wellbeing. In W-A. Smith, J. Passmore, E. Turner, Y-L. Lai, and D. Clutterbuck (Eds.), The ethical coaches’ handbook: A guide to developing ethical maturity in practice, pp. 251-266. London: Routledge.
- Alison, L., Kern, P., & Jarden, A, & Waters, L. (2022). Development of the Flourishing Classroom System Observation Framework: A delphi study. Contemporary School Psychology, 1-18,
- Jarden, R., & Jarden, A. (2022). A systems pathway to self-care in academia: Me, We, and Us as avenues to integrated long-term self-care. In N. Lemon (Ed), Reflections on valuing wellbeing in higher education: Reforming our acts of self-care, pp. 1-16, London: Routledge.
- Jarden, R., Jarden, A., Weiland, T., Taylor, G., Brockenshire, N, Rutherford, M., Carbery, C., Moroney, K., Joshanloo, M., & Gerdtz, M. (2022). Nurses’ wellbeing during the coronavirus (2019) pandemic: A longitudinal mixed-methods study. Nursing Open, 10, 24-35.
- Guitard, J., & Jarden, A. (2022). Cognitive forecasting and its link to life satisfaction: An investigation of accurate and optimistic prospection and retrospection. International Journal of Wellbeing, 12(2), 1-38.
- Jarden, R., Joshanloo, M., Weijers, D., Sandham, M., & Jarden, A. (2022). Predictors of life satisfaction in New Zealand: Analysis of a national dataset. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 5612, 1-17.
- Guitard, J., Jarden, A., Jarden, R., & Lajoie, D. (2022). An evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 1-10.
- Jarden, A., & Jarden, R. (2022). Learn about yourself. In C. van Nieuwerburgh and P. Willims (Eds)., From survive to thrive – A field guide to feeling well and doing well at university, pp. 127-138. London: Sage Publishing.
- Green, S., Jarden, A, & Leach, C.. (2021). Coaching for happiness and wellbeing. In W-A. Smith, I.Boniwell, &S. Green (Eds.), Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace, pp. 199-219. London: Springer and Oxford Brookes.
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., & Lomas, T. (2021). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (version 2.0: English). International Journal of Wellbeing, 11(3), 1-38.
- Silapurem, L., Slemp, G., & Jarden, A. (2021). Encouraging job crafting through a coaching partnership: The what, why and how, for employee motivation and wellness. In W-A. Smith, I. Boniwell, & S. Green (Eds.), Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace., pp. 417-435. London: Springer and Oxford Brookes.
- McArthur, M. L., Learey, T. J., Jarden, A., Van Gelderen, I., Hazel, S. J., Cake, M., Mansfield, C., Zaki, S., & Matthew, S. (2021). Resilience of veterinarians at different career stages The role of self-efficacy, coping strategies and personal resources for resilience in veterinary practice. Veterinary Record, 189(12), 1-9,
- Jarden, R., Jarden, A., Weiland, T., Taylor, G., Bujalka, H., Brockenshire, N, & Gerdtz, M. (2021). New graduate nurse wellbeing, work wellbeing and mental health: A quantitative systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 121, 1-35.
- Jarden, A, Jarden, R, Chyuan Chin, T., & Kern, M. (2021). Assessing wellbeing in school communities. In M. Kern & M. L. Wehmeyer (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook on Positive Education, pp. 297-324. London: Palgrrave.
- Jarden R., Jarden, A., Weiland, T., Taylor, G., Brockenshire, N, Rutherford, M., Carbery, C., Moroney, K., & Gerdtz, M. (2021). Nurse wellbeing during the coronavirus (2019) pandemic: A qualitative descriptive study. Collegian, 1-11.
- Maguire, J., & Jarden, A. (2021). What really is the state of our wellbeing and mental health? Law Talk: Journal of the New Zealand Law Society, 945, pp 37-39.
- Weijers, D., & Jarden, A. (2021). The International Journal of Wellbeing: Ten years on and the next ten years. International Journal of Wellbeing, 11(1), 1-7.
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., & Lomas, T., Karavakou, V., & Seryianni, C. (2021). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (version 1.0: Greek). International Journal of Wellbeing,9(3), 1-36.
- Oades, L. G., Jarden, A., Hou, H., Ozturk, C., Williams, P. F., Slemp, G. R., & Huang, L. (2021). Wellbeing literacy: A capability model for wellbeing science and practice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 719, 11-12.
- Bartholomaeus, J. D., Iasiello, M. P., Jarden, A., Burke, K., & Van Agteren, J. (2021). Evaluating the psychometric properties of the PERMA Profiler. Journal of Well-being Assessment, 4, 163–180 .
- Jarden, A. (2021). Wellbeing projects at scale. Journal on Public Affairs, 1-9. Tokyo, Japan. (Japanese version)
- Jarden R., Jarden, A., Weiland, T., Taylor, G., Brockenshire, N, & Gerdtz, M. (2020). Registered nurses' experiences of psychological well-being and ill-being in their first year of practice: A qualitative meta-synthesis. International Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77, 1172– 1187.
- Oades, L., & Jarden, A. (2020). Personalised wellbeing planning. In K-A. Allen, A. Reupert, & L. Oades (Eds), Building better schools with evidence-based policy: Adaptable policy guidelines for teachers and school leaders, pp. 33-38. Sydney: Routledge.
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., Lomas, T., & Adiguzel, G. (2020). Pozitif Psikoloji Uygulamalarında Etik İlkeler (sürüm 1.0: Turkish). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-33.
- Young, T., Macinnes, S. Jarden, A., & Colla, R. (2020). The impact of a wellbeing program imbedded in university classes: The importance of valuing happiness, baseline wellbeing and practice frequency. Studies in Higher Education, 47(4), 751-770.
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., Lomas, T., Trinh, S., & Jonsdottir, H. K. (2020). Guide éthique de la pratique de la psychologie positive (version 1.0: French). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-33. doi:10.5502/ijw.v9i3.1213
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., Lomas, T., & Al-Ahmadi, A (2020). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (version 1.0: Arabic). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-38. doi:10.5502/ijw.v9i3.1337
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., Lomas, T., & Giraldez-Hayes, A. (2020). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (version 1.0: Spanish). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-33. doi:10.5502/ijw.v9i3.1161
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., Lomas, T., Beicker, J., & Stricker, J. (2020). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (version 1.0: Danish). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-32. doi:10.5502/ijw.v9i3.1189
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., Lomas, T., HassaniRaad, M., Taghva, N. (2020). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (version 1.0: Persian). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-30. doi:10.5502/ijw.v9i3.1133
- Hamling, H., Jarden, R., Jarden, A., & Synard, J. (2020). Epistemological fruit salad: Broadening methodology in positive psychology research to develop contextualised interventions and understandings of well-being. Journal of Positive Psychology, 15(5), 670-674.
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., Lomas, T., Bidese, C., Callegaro, V., & Ruschel R. (2019). Diretrizes éticas para prática de psicologia positiva (version 1.0: Portuguese). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-32. doi:10.5502/ijw.v9i3.1071
- Waterworth, S., Raphael, D., Gott, M. Arroll, B., & Jarden, A. (2019). Uncovering strengths within community dwelling adults: What does it mean for health care practice? Health and Social Care in the Community, 28, 932–940.
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., Lomas, T., Zadykian, N., & Tsvetkova, N. (2019). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (version 1.0: Russian). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-36. doi:10.5502/ijw.v9i3.1053
- Gazal, B., Duncan, S., Jarden, A., & Hinckson, E. (2019). A prototype analysis of New Zealand adolescents’ conceptualizations of wellbeing. International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(4), 1-25.
- Stevens, , S., & Jarden, A. (2019). The importance of child wellbeing. International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(4), I-IV.
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., Lomas, T., Heekerens, J., & Dreisörner, A. (2019). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (version 1.0: German). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-36.
- Lomas, T., Roache, A., Rashid, T., & Jarden, A. (2019). Developing ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice: An on-going, iterative, collaborative endeavour. Journal of Positive Psychology, 15(6), 716-721.
- Chopik, W. J., Newton, N. J., Ryan, L. H., Kashdan, T. B., Jarden, A. (2019). Gratitude across the life span: Age differences and links to subjective well-being. Journal of Positive Psychology, 14(3), 292-302 .
- Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., & Lomas, T. (2019). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (version 1.0: English). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-30.
- Raymond, I., Iasiello, M., Kelly, D., & Jarden, A. (2019). Program logic modelling and complex positive psychology intervention design and implementation: The Resilient Futures’ case example. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 3, 43-67.
- Bartholomaeus, J. D., Van Agteren, J. E. M., Iasiello, M. P., Jarden, A., & Kelly, D. (2019). Positive ageing: The impact of a community wellbeing program for older adults. Clinical Gerontologist, 42(4), 377-386.
- Waterworth, S., Raphael, D., Arroll, B., Benipal, J., Jarden, A., & Gott, M. (2018). An exploration of how community-dwelling older adults enhance their wellbeing. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 14, 1-11, e12267.
- Iasiello, M., Raymond, I., Jarden, A., & Kelly D. (2018). Resilient Futures: An individual and system-level approach to improve the wellbeing and resilience of disadvantaged young Australians. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 4(3), 228-244. (Chinese version)
- Iasiello, M., Bartholomaeus, J., Jarden, A. & Van Agteren, J. (2018). Maximising the opportunity for healthy ageing: Online mental health measurement and targeted interventions. Telehealth for our Ageing Society, 246, 111-123. doi/10.3233/978-1-61499-845-7-111
- Kropacova, S., Slezackova, A., & Jarden, A. (2018). Grit Scale: Analysis of psychometric properties of the Czech version for adults. E-psychologie,12(2), 27-40.
- Jarden, A. (2017). An Interview with Victor J. Strecher. International Journal of Wellbeing, 7(2), 78-81.
- Iasiello, M., Bartholomaeus, J., Jarden, A., & Kelly, G. (2017). Measuring PERMA+ in South Australia, the State of Wellbeing: A comparison with national and international norms. Journal of Positive Psychology & Wellbeing, 1(2), 1-21,
- Thin, N., Tarragona, M., Wong, P., Jarden, R., Bartholomaeus, J., & Jarden, A. (2017). Book review for International Journal of Wellbeing. Estes, Richard J., and M. Joseph Sirgy [eds] (2017). The pursuit of human well-being: The untold global history. Dordrecht: Springer. International Journal of Wellbeing, 7(1), 84-92.
- Slade, M, Oades, L., & Jarden, A. (2017). Why wellbeing and recovery? In M. Slade, L. Oades, & A. Jarden (Eds.), Wellbeing, recovery and mental health, pp. 1-6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hamling, K., & Jarden, A. (2017). Wellbeing and recovery in the emergency services: How do we care for those who care for us? In M. Slade, L. Oades, & A. Jarden (Eds.), Wellbeing, recovery and mental health, pp. 157-168. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Jarden, R., Jarden, A, & Oades, L. (2017). Wellbeing policy in Australia and New Zealand. In M. Slade, L. Oades, and A. Jarden (Eds.), Wellbeing, recovery and mental health, pp. 207-214. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Weijers, D., & Jarden, A. (2017). Wellbeing policy: An overview. In M. Slade, L. Oades, & A. Jarden (Eds.), Wellbeing, recovery and mental health, pp. 35-45. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Slade, M., Oades, L., & Jarden, A. (2017). Wellbeing and recovery: A possible future. In M. Slade, L. Oades, & A. Jarden (Eds.), Wellbeing, recovery and mental health, pp. 324-332. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Disabato, D. J., Kashdan, T. B., Short, J. L., & Jarden, A. (2017). What predicts positive life events that influence the course of depression? A longitudinal examination of gratitude and meaning in life. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 41, 444–458.
- Weijers, D., & Jarden, A. (2016). The International Journal of Wellbeing: An open access success story. In R. S. Jhangiani, & R. Biswas-Diener (Eds.), Open: The philosophy and practices that are revolutionizing education and science, pp. 181-194. London: Ubiquity Press Ltd.
- Jarden, A., & Jarden, R. (2016). Positive psychological assessment for the workplace. In L. Oades et al. (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Positive Psychology at Work, pp. 415-437.
- Sorensen, S., Jarden, A., & Schofield, G. (2016). Lay perceptions of mental toughness: Understanding conceptual similarities and differences between lay and sporting contexts. International Journal of Wellbeing, 6(3), 71-95.
- Weijers, D., & Jarden, A. (2016). The science of happiness as an instrument in the public policy design: An overview. In D. Gómez- Alvarez, &
V. Ortega (Eds.), Policies and subjective wellbeing: Happiness in the public agenda, pp. 149-175. Guadalajara, Mexico: Banco de Desarrollo de America Latina and Ariel. - Sorensen, S., Schofield, G., & Jarden, A. (2016). A systems-approach model of mental toughness: Understanding inputs, processes and outputs. Psychology, 7, 1402-1423.
- Ward, J., Duncan, S., Jarden, A., & Stewart, T. (2016). The impact of children's exposure to greenspace on physical activity, cognitive development, emotional wellbeing, and ability to appraise risk. Health & Place, 40, 44-50.
- Jarden, A., Slemp, G., Chia, A., Lahti, E., & Hwang, E. (2016). Positive psychologists on positive psychology (3rd Vol.). ISBN: 978-0-473-35094-9
- Joshanloo, M., & Jarden, A. (2016). Individualism as the moderator of the relationship between hedonism and happiness: A study in 19 nations. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 149-152.
- Jarden, A. (2016). Introducing workplace wellbeing to organizations: The “Me, We, Us” model. Positive Work and Organizations: Research and Practice, 1, 1-4.
- Avsec, A., Kavčič, T., & Jarden, A. (2016). Synergistic paths to happiness: Findings from seven countries. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17, 1371–1390.
- Hamling, K., Jarden, A., & Schofield, G. (2015). Recipes for occupational wellbeing: An investigation of the associations with wellbeing in New Zealand workers. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(2), 151-173.
- Hone, L., Schofied, G., & Jarden, A. (2015). Conceptualizations of wellbeing: Insights from a prototype analysis on New Zealand workers. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(2), 97-118.
- Disabato, D. J., Goodman, F. R., Kashdan, T. B., Short, J. L., & Jarden, A. (2015). Different types of well-being? A cross-cultural examination of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Psychological Assessment, 28(5), 471-482.
- Hone, L., Jarden, A., Schofield, G. M., & Duncan, S. (2015). Flourishing in New Zealand workers: Associations with lifestyle behaviours, physical health, psychosocial, and work-related indicators. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 57(9), 973-983.
- Sheldon, K. M., Jose, P. E., Kashdan, T. B., & Jarden, A. (2015). Personality strengths , effective goal-striving, and enhanced well-being: Comparing 12 candidate keystone constructs. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(4), 575-585.
- Jarden, A., & Jarden, R. (2015). Applied positive psychology in higher education. In M.Henning, C. Krägeloh, & G. Wong-Toi (Eds.), Student motivation and quality of life in higher education, pp 37-43. London: Routledge.
- Hone, L., Jarden, A., & Schofield, G. (2015). An evaluation of positive psychology intervention effectiveness trials using the re-aim framework: A practice-friendly review. Journal of Positive Psychology, 10(4), 303-322.
- Hone, L., Jarden, A., Schofield, G. M., & Duncan, S. (2014). Measuring flourishing: The impact of operational definitions on the prevalence of high levels of wellbeing. International Journal of Wellbeing, 4(1), 62-90.
- Hone, L., Jarden, A., & Schofield, G. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Flourishing Scale in a New Zealand sample. Social Indicators Research, 119(2), 1031-1042.
- Weijers, D., & Jarden, A. (2013). The science of happiness for policymakers: An overview. Journal of Social Research & Policy, 4(2), 21-40.
- Jarden, A., Mercedes Ovejero Bruna, M., Lahti, E., & Zhao, Y. (2013). Positive psychologists on positive psychology (2nd Vol). ISBN: 978-0-473-26660-8
- Weijers, D., Jarden, A., Angner, E., Burns, G., Chadwick, E., Jose, P., Joshanloo, M., Tarronga, M., & Thin, N. (2013). Review of The oxford handbook of happiness. International Journal of Wellbeing, 3(2), 213-228.
- Jarden, A., MacKay, L., White, K., Schofield, G., Duncan, S., Williden, M., Hone, L., & McPhee, J. (2013). The Sovereign New Zealand Wellbeing Index. Psychology Aotearoa, 5(1), pp. 22-27.
- Bowker, N., & Jarden, A. (2013). APA referencing and citing in a nutshell (2nd ed.). The Open Polytechnic of New Zelanad.
- Jarden, A. (ed.). (2012). Positive Psychologists on Positive Psychology, International Journal of Wellbeing, 2(2), 70–149. https://doi:10.5502/ijw.v2i2.0 (also available in Spanish)
- Ross, C., Bathurst, J., & Jarden, A. (2012). Wellbeing and academic success. Ako Aoteroa.
- Jarden, A. (2011). An interview with Barbara Fredrickson. International Journal of Wellbeing, 1(3), 333-335.
- Weijers, D., Jarden, A., & Powdthavee, N. (2011). Promoting research on wellbeing. International Journal of Wellbeing, 1(1), 1-3.
- Jarden, A. (2011). An interview with Daniel Kahneman. International Journal of Wellbeing, 1(1), 186-188.
- Jarden, A., & Weijers, D. (2011). Wipe that smile off your face. The Philosophers Magazine, 52, 53-58.
- Jarden, A. (2010). The relationship between personal values, and depressed mood and subjective wellbeing. PhD Thesis, University of Canterbury.
- Jarden, A. (2010). Flourish and thrive: An overview and update on positive psychology in New Zealand and internationally. Psychology Aotearoa, 1, 86-89.
- Jarden, A. (2009). Post-traumatic growth: An introduction and review. New Zealand Clinical Psychologist, Autumn, 15-18.
- Jarden, A. (2007). Book Review: U-Turn: Putting you back into your relationship. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 35(3), 163–164.
- Jarden, A. (2006). Book Review: Cognitive therapy for challenging problems: What to do when the basics don’t work, New Zealand Clinical Psychologist, 17(2), 33-35.
- Jarden, A. (2005). Axiology and psychopathology: Thinking about values and psychotherapy, The Bulletin, 105, 42-46.
- Jarden, A. (2005). Clinical psychology and life coaching: Comparisons, contrast and opinions, New Zealand Clinical Psychologist, 15(1), 17-21.
- Jarden, A. (2005). Belief change in cognitive therapy: Changing beliefs or changing relationships towards beliefs?, The Bulletin, 104, 42-46.
- Jarden, A. (2005). Book Review: The handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change (5th ed.), New Zealand Clinical Psychologist, 15(1), 27.
- Jarden, A. (2004). The expert therapist, The Bulletin, 102, 41-45.
- Jarden, A. (2002). The construction and use of belief in cognitive therapy - A discursive analysis. Master's Thesis.
Other publications (non peer-reviewed)
- Jarden, A., Rameli, M. R. M., Jarden, R., & Silapurem, L. (2024). The mental health and wellbeing of the New Zealand legal profession. Center for Wellbeing Science, The University of Melbourne.
- Iasiello, M., van Agteren, J., Jarden, A., and 11 others. (2024). A taxonomy and item pool of Positive Mental Health: A report for the Department of Health Victoria. Available on request.
- van Zyl, L. E., Boere, L., Jarden R., Jarden A., & van Wingerden, J. (2024). Perceived organizational support towards the environment and resilience: The role of meaningful work, work engagement, sustainable behaviour and attitudes towards the environment.
- Jarden, R.J., Brockenshire, N., Bujalka, H., Weiland, T., Jarden, A., & Gerdtz, M. (2023). Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria (NMHPV): A process and outcome evaluation. Technical report prepared for the Board of the Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria. The University of Melbourne, Australia. ISBN: 978 07340 5712 9. Available on request.
- Jarden, R., Weijers, D., Sandham, M., & Jarden, A. (2022). Life satisfaction in New Zealand. Retrieved from
- Jarden, A. (2021). Wellbeing and ethical guidelines. In M. Kobayashi & H. Ishido (Eds), Systems Informed Positive Psychology and Communitarianism, Chiba University, Conference paper.
- Jarden, A. (2020). JOMO: The joy of missing out. Good Health Magazine. 93, 7-8.
- Muir, C., Mackay, L., Schofield, G., & Jarden, A. (2016). Progress in measuring wellbeing in New Zealand. Human Potential Center, AUT University.
- Mackay, L. M., Prendergast, K., Jarden, A., & Schofield, G. M. (2015). Wellbeing of New Zealanders in later life. Report from the 2014 Sovereign New Zealand Wellbeing Index, 1-12. Auckland University of Technology: Human Potential Center.
- Mackay, L. M., Schofield, G. M., Jarden, A., & Prendergast, K. (2015). The Sovereign New Zealand Wellbeing Index 2014. Executive Report, the 2014 Sovereign New Zealand Wellbeing Index, 1-33. (Methodology Report) (Infographic). Auckland University of Technology: Human Potential Center.
- Jarden, A. (2014). Why instructors should actively foster student well-being. Noba Project.
- White, K., Schofield, G., Jarden, A., Mackay, L., & Duncan, S. (2013). Sovereign Wellbeing Index: New Zealand’s first measure of wellbeing, 1-84. Human Potential Centre. Auckland, Auckland University of Technology.
- Jarden, A. (2011). Movie Review: Making Australia Happy. New Zealand Mental Health Foundation.
- Jarden, A. (2010). Book Review: Gratitude: how to appreciate life's gifts. Positive Psychology News Daily.
- Jarden, A., & Bowker, N. (2009). APA referencing in a nutshell.
Publications in progress
- Gökmen, A., Jarden, A., Yıldırım, M., Silapurem, L., & Jarden R (2024). Longitudinal associations between life events, hope, life satisfaction, subjective happiness, and depressive symptoms. (submitted to Cognitive Therapy and Research)
- Jarden, A. Rameli, M., Jarden, R., & Silapurem, L. (2024). The prevalence of mental health and wellbeing in the New Zealand legal profession. (submitted to Psychology, Public Policy, and Law)
- Pan, Y., Kern, M. L.,. Jarden, A., & Slemp, G. (2024). Positive ageing: A mixed-methods systematic review exploring the wellbeing of Chinese older adults. (submitted to Psychology and Aging)
- Rameli, M. R. M., Jarden, A., & Huang, L. (2024). High school student’s conceptualisation of wellbeing, school wellbeing and academic wellbeing. (submitted to Journal of Happiness Studies)
- Silapurem, L., Slemp, G. R., Jarden, A. (2024). Examining job crafting as a predictor of work engagement and job performance: A systematic review and analysis for causality. (Revise and resubmit at Work &Stress).
- Jarden, R., Jarden, A., Twomey, B., Young, T., & Gerdtz, M. (2024). Higher education for nursing students: A ‘whole’ new way forward for well-being in the academic-clinical nexus. In L. Tay and B. McCuskey (eds.), Handbook of Well-Being in Higher Education, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Adriani, Y., & Jarden, A. (2024). A critical review of happiness and wellbeing concepts in Indonesia. Applied Research in Quality-of-Life.
- Cactus, H. Y. C., Datu, J. A. D., Salanga, M. G. C., Buenconsejo, J. U., Jarden, A., & Frances, J. (2024). Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Well-being Literacy Scale: Evidence from Hong Kong and the Philippines. Submitted to Health Promotion International.
- McArthur, M. L., Gartley, E. G. N., Jarden, A., Hazel, S., Hebart, M., Susan M. Matthew, S. M., & Iasiello, M. (2024). Psychosocial factors influencing flourishing in experienced veterinarians: A longitudinal study. (submitted to Veterinary Record)
- Iasiello, M., van Agteren, J., Ali, K., Kolovos, E., Bartholomaeus, J., Batterham, P. J., Goodman, F., Jarden, A., Kashdan, T. B., Kyrios, M., Oades, L. G., Weziak-Bialowolska, D., & Fassnacht, D. B (2025). Addressing the jingle-jangle problem in wellbeing science: The development of a taxonomy and item bank for positive mental health. (completed first draft).
- Silapurem, L., Slemp, G. R., Jarden, A., Jarden, R., & Elliot, A. (2024). Assessing the feasibility of a job crafting and coaching intervention on nurse wellbeing: A mixed-method feasibility study. (completed first draft).
- Iasiello, M., van Agteren, J., Ali, K., Kolovos, E, Bartholomaeus, J, Batterham, P, Goodman, F, Jarden, A., Kashdan, T. B., Kyrios, M., Oades, L., Weziak-Bialowolska, D., & Fassnacht, D. B. (2024). Consistency in wellbeing science: The development of a taxonomy and item bank for positive mental health. (completed first draft).
- Johnstone, A. R., Jarden, A., Oades, L., & Waters, L. (2024). Individual, relational and prosocial positive psychological interventions: A review paper and new typology (completed first draft).
- Iasiello, M., Ali, K., van Agteren, J., Kolovos, E., Kashdan, T. B., Weziak-Bialowolska, D., Kyrios, M., Jarden, A., Oades, L., Goodman, F. , Bartholomaeus, J., Batterham, P., & Fassnacht, D. B. (2024). Development and testing of a taxonomy and item-bank for positive mental health: Study 2 Protocol. (completed first draft).
- Schulz, C. T., Risi, M. M., Tanzer, J. R., Tate, M. C., Balestrieri, S., Harlow, L. L., & Jarden, A. (2022). Life satisfaction, gratitude, grit, and economic indicators across time and countries. Declinded at International Journal of Happiness and Development.
- Tate, M. C., Schulz, C. T., Drohan, M. M., Risi, M. M., Tanzer, J. R., Balestrieri, S., Harlow, L. L., & Jarden, A. (2020). Life satisfaction shaped by gratitude and grit over time: A latent growth curve modeling approach (completed first draft)
- Arbe, M. A. I., Matthew, S. M., Jarden, A., Hazel, S. J., & McArthur, M. (2020). The relationship between motivations, affectivity, job satisfaction, moral stress and work life balance in attrition from veterinary clinical practice. (early draft)
- Hamling, K., Ward, K., Healee, D., & Jarden, A. (2019). Calling all first responders: An investigation of first responder wellbeing using grounded theory methods. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
- Tanzer, J. R., Jarden, A., Simpson, O., Mclachlan, K., Kashdan, T., MacKenzie, A. I., & Jose, P. (2019). Gratitude and the search for meaning: Developing life meaning in an international dataset. (Submitted to Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being).
- Kaur, G., Duncan, S., & Jarden, A. (2019). Exploring predictors of wellbeing in New Zealand adolescents: A cross-sectional study (near submission)
- Hamling, K., Ward, K., Healee, D., & Jarden, A. (2018). Understanding the content and context of wellbeing and trauma in the emergency services: Findings from a grounded theory study. (submitted to Traumatology).
- Iasiello, M., van Agteren, J., Muir-Cochrane, E., Jarden, A. (2018). Evidence of the Complete State Model of Mental Health and implications on public policy and practice: A scoping review (submitted to Evidence).
- van Agteren, J., Bartholomaeus, J., Stafford, K., Iasiello, M., Burke, K., & Jarden, A. (2018). The effectiveness of a workplace wellbeing program in a corrections setting. (submitted to Australian Journal of Psychology).
- Sorensen, S., Jarden, A., & Schofield, G. (2016). Conceptual clarification of mental toughness: Insights from experts and surrounding nomological networks (revisions required Australian Journal of Psychology).
- Jarden, R., Schofield, G., Jarden, A., Mackay, L., Hamling, K., Reddy, P., & Duncan, S. (2016). Working women’s wellbeing: The prevalence and enablers of flourishing at work. (drafted, ready for submission)
- Joshanloo, M., & Jarden, A. (2016). Grudge match: The Conceptual Referent-Theory of happiness vs the Need Theory of happiness. Social Indicators Research. (in planning)
- Sorensen, S., Jarden, A., & Schofield, G. (2016). Conceptual clarification of mental toughness: A literature review and content analysis (submitted to Journal of Personality and Social Psychology).
- Mackay, L., White, K., Schofield, G., Jarden, A., McPhee, J., Duncan, S., Williden, M., & Hone, L. (2016). Monitoring wellbeing of New Zealand adults: Sovereign Wellbeing Index methodology and preliminary findings. BMC Public Health. (near submission)
- Disabato, D. J., Kashdan, T. B., Short, J. L., & Jarden, A. (2016). Cognitive mediators of behavioral activation for depression: An international longitudinal investigation. (early draft)
- Weckroth, M., Weijers, D., & Jarden, A. (2016). A cross-disciplinary happiness study – a threat or possibility? (early draft)
- Jarden, A., Jose, P., Kashdan, T., Mackenzie, A., Mclachlan, K., & Simpson, O. (2016). The International Wellbeing Study: Study design and methodology. (early draft).
- Jarden, A., Hone, L., & Schofeild, G. (2017). Validation of the 8 item Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale in a large New Zealand Sample. (final draft)
Aaron's Presentations
- 2024 PowerPoint - Beyond wellbeing. Keynote at MAPPsaa Summit, Melbounre, November.
- 2024 - PowerPoint - What is bigger and better than wellbeing? Introducing wholebeing. Keynote at The International Conference on Psychology, Muria Kudus, Indonesia, October.
- 2024 - Conference Panel - AI and disruptive technologies. University of Melbourne, August.
- 2024 - PowerPoint - What is bigger and better than wellbeing? Introducing wholebeing. Innsbruck, Austria, July.
- 2024 - PowerPoint - Building wholebeing: Crafting organisation for greater long-term authentic sustainable change. Innsbruck, Austria, July.
- 2024 - PowerPoint - Exploring the wellbeing of Chinese older adults: A systematic review (Yue Pan, Peggy Kern, Aaron Jarden). Innsbruck, Austria, July.
- 2024 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing in and past sport. Rugby Australia, March.
- 2024 - Online - Pathways to enable a better future for positive psychology. NZAPP, Feburary.
- 2023 - Podcast - Me, We and Us & the link between wellbeing and resilience. The school of wellbeing. Melbounre.
- 2023 - PowerPoint - Positive psychology’s biggest mistake. Vancover, Canada, July.
- 2023 - PowerPoint -The cost of optimism in prospection: An examination of accurate and optimistic forecasting of life satisfaction. Vancover, Canada, July.
- 2023 - PowerPoint - Workshop: Practice for Practitioners - Advancing positive psychological practice. Assessment and evaluation of wellbeing. Vancover, Canada, July.
- 2023 - PowerPoint - How, exactly, can positive psychology be better? Vancover, Canada, July.
- 2023 - PowerPoint - How to culturally adapt a wellbeing program. Vancover, Canada, July.
- 2023 - Poster - Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale: Testing the measurement invariance of a 12-item version across regions and translations. Vancover, Canada, July.
- 2023 - Online - This working life: Essentialism, simplification and the slow movement. Interview by Lisa Leong, February.
- 2023 - Online - Social fairness and wellbeing. Chiba University Institute for Advanced Academic Research.
“New Frontiers of Studies on Fair Society: Values and Public Vision in the age after COVID-19". Japan, Feburary. - 2022 - PowerPoint - What is wellbeing? International Conference on Psychosocial Implications in Health & Wellbeing: Looking Beyond Boundaries. SGT University, New Delhi, India. Certificate.
- 2022 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing program intensive workshop. Corporate Health and Wellbeing Summit, Auckland, NZ, October.
- 2022 - PowerPoint - Building sustinable wellbeing. DLA Piper, Auckland, NZ, October.
- 2022 - Advert - 1st International Psychology and Flourishing Humanity Conference, Indonesia, September. Certificate.
- 2022 - PowerPoint - Differences in conceptualisations of wellbeing across different populations: How teachers and lawyers, Chinese students, adolescents, and nurses conceptualise wellbeing differently to each other and academics. Iceland, June.
- 2022 - Poster - Graduate nurse wellbeing, work wellbeing and mental health. Iceland, June.
- 2022 - PowerPoint - Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice. PENN State MAPP Alumni Presentation. May.
- 2021 - PowerPoint - Third Indonesian round table on positive psycholgy, Spetember.
- 2021 - Podcast - The law podcast. Lawyer wellbeing, August.
- 2021 - Online - Towards a general theory of global wellbeing – Remembering Ed Diener. 11th Biennial International Meaning Conference, Online, August.
- 2021 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing for future educators. Melbourne University, July.
- 2021 - PowerPoint - Novel and less known wellbeing interventions. New Zealand Association of Positive Psychology conference, June.
- 2021 - Word - Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice. IPPA Clinical Division Webinar, May.
- 2021 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing through a staff lens: Leading and supporting staff through isolation, uncertainty, anxiety, change, struggle. International Network of Financial Services Ombudsman Schemes (INFO Network), February.
- 2021 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing for future educators. Melbourne University, February.
- 2021 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing systems and skills in education. Carlton North Primary School, January.
- 2020 - Power Point - Keynote: Radical and inclusive wellbeing from a variety of radically inclusive perspectives. New Zealand Association of Positive Psychology Conference, November (postponed to 2021).
- 2020 - PowerPoint - The My Wellbeing Planner. Tecmilenio University, Mexico, October.
- 2020 - PowerPoint - An overview of Prototype Analysis methodology. University of Melbourne, October.
- 2020 - PowerPoint - Stories for Starlight - Associate Professor Aaron Jarden reads "The Gruffalo", by Julia Donaldson.
- 2020 - PowerPoint - Emergency wellbeing skills. Action for Happiness, October.
- 2020 - Audio - What is mood? The Positivity Institute podcast series, August.
- 2020 - PowerPoint - A useful mixed bag of wellbeing resources. Flourish 2020 Virtual Conference. Perth, June.
- 2020 - Interview - International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA), Career and Professional Development Series: An interview with Associate Professor Aaron Jarden, July 14th.
- 2020 - Interview - The role of positive psychology in the current COVID-19 lockdown environment. Online. April, 2020.
- 2020 - Blog - Helping year 12 students stay on track. Pursuit, University of Melbourne.
- 2020 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing skills. Melbourne, online, April, 2020.
- 2019 - Blog - How to be grateful this Christmas when your family's driving you bananas. The Conversation.
- 2019 - PowerPoint - How how early adolescents conceptualise and promote their wellbeing. Beijing, China, December.
- 2019 - PowerPoint - Positive individuals. Beijing, China, December.
- 2019 - Talk - Wellbeing project at scale. Chiba University, Tokyo, Japan, December.
- 2019 - Audio - Christmas preparation and wellbeing. ABC Radio, November.
- 2019 - Audio - Living in a world of busyness (from 41:40 to 54:22). ABC Radio, November.
- 2019 - PowerPoint - PhD student wellbeing. Melbourne, September, 2019.
- 2019 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing and public policy in New Zealand (on behalf of Dan Weijers). Melbourne, July, 2019.
- 2019 - PowerPoint - Teaching wellbeing and resilience skills to at need students. Melbourne, July, 2019.
- 2019 - Poster - The university wellbeing program. Melbourne, July, 2019.
- 2019 - PowerPoint - The science of wellbeing. Melbourne, July, 2019.
- 2019 - Video - The insecurity project. Melbourne, March, 2019.
- 2019 - PowerPoint - The science of wellbeing in higher education. Melbourne, February.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - Can positive psychology save the world? Hamilton, NZ, November.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - Creating a wellbeing culture in a school context. PESA, Perth, October.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - Innovative and cutting-edge wellbeing promoting activities. PESA, Melbourne, September.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - Workshop: Less common wellbeing enhancing activities. 1st Indonesian Positive Psychology Conference, Jataka, September.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - Workshop: Key insights into building workplace wellbeing. 1st Indonesian Positive Psychology Conference, Jataka, September.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - Keynote: The future of positive psychology. 1st Indonesian Positive Psychology Conference, Jataka, September.
- 2018 - Poster - Wellbeing policy in Australia and New Zealand. 3rd International Conference on Wellbeing and Public Policy, Wellington, NZ, September.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - PhD student wellbeing. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Melbourne University, August.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - The science of student wellbeing. Melbourne Graduate School of Education, Melbourne University, August.
- 2018 - Poster - Positive Psychological Assessment for the Workplace. 9th ENPP Budapest, Hungary, June.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - Ethical considerations in practicing positive psychology interventions: Development of ethical guidelines for positive psychology practitioners. 9th ENPP Budapest, Hungary, June.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - Measuring PERMA in South Australia - and other reflections on measuring happy versus meaningful lives. Melbourne, April.
- 2018 - PowerPoint - Student wellbeing. Lincoln College, Adelaide, February.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - An invitation to notions related to positive health. Flinders University, Adelaide, December.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Workshop: The essentials in creating a workplace wellbeing culture. PMR. Corporate Health and Wellbeing Summit, Sydney, November.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Keynote: Wellbeing 101: Making wellbeing programs successful. Corporate Health and Wellbeing Summit, Sydney, November.
- 2017 - Abstract - Development of an online application to enable wellbeing intervention options for older Australians through their local GP. Adelaide, November.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Positive psychology applications across organisations, community programs, interventions, and electronic platforms. Australian Psychological Society, Adelaide, November.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Academic wellbeing: What does a good day at work look like for an academic?, Sydney, October.
- 2017 - Interview - More middle aged men are initiating divorce - what are the signs of a midlife crisis? Radio Live, New Zealand.
- 2017 - Presentation - Mindfulness, Wellbeing, and Resilience in Aging. Zestfest, Adelaide, October.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - The science of wellbeing. Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Parks and Regions Group Mangers Forum, Adelaide, October.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - The value of wellbeing measurement. South Australia Wellbeing Measurement Workshop, Adelaide, September.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Lesser known positive psychological interventions. Central Queensland University, August.
- 2017 - Abstract - A public health approach to measuring wellbeing: Comparisons from the United Kingdom and South Australia. Montreal, Canada, July.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Cross-cultural conceptions of ‘wellbeing’. Montreal, Canada, July.
- 2017 - Abstract - Professionalising Positive Psychology: Is there a need to develop guidelines for training and regulation? Montreal, Canada, July.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Plus Wellbeing: The world's best wellbeing program. Montreal, Canada, July.
- 2017 - Poster - South Australia - The state of wellbeing: A population approach to wellbeing, a prototype for the world. Montreal, Canada, July.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing simplified, Happiness & Its Causes, Sydney, June.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing science, measurement, and wellbeing cultures, Tenison Woods College, Mt Gambia, June.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Essential ingredients for a successful wellbeing culture, Positive Education Schools Association (PESA) Adelaide, May.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing 101: Making wellbeing programs successful, Corporate Health and Wellbeing Summit, Auckland, April.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - Evaluating wellbeing in school settings, Christchurch, March.
- 2017 - PowerPoint - University Wellbeing, Adelaide, February.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Embedding positive psychology across organisations, Adelaide, November.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Supercharging positive psychology, Adelaide, September.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Workshop: Wellbeing and resilience at work, Auckland, September.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing in higher education, Adelaide, September.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Assessing school community wellbeing, Auckland, September.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - What do students think makes a great school?, Dallas, USA, July.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Assessing wellbeing in education: A how-to guide and demonstration, Dallas, USA, July.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Wellbeing across the lifespan and globe, Melbourne, May.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Selected workplace wellbeing projects, Auckland, March.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Public Lecture: A simplified way to wellbeing, Melbourne, May. (video)
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Coordinating positive universities research, International Symposium on the Well-Being University, Borba, Portugal, June.
- 2016 - PowerPoint - Positive Psychology: The Past or The Future, Istanbul, Turkey, April.
- 2015 - PowerPoint - Positive psychology for wellbeing, Auckland, November.
- 2015 - PowerPoint - Health and wellbeing, Auckland, October.
- 2015 - PowerPoint - A toolkit for wellbeing, Auckland, September.
- 2015 - PowerPoint - Positive Psychology for rehabilitation, Auckland, July.
- 2015 - PowerPoint - RE-AIMing positive psychology interventions for greater real-world impact, Orlando, USA, June.
- 2015 - PowerPoint - The New Zealand Association of Positive Psychology, Orlando, USA, June. (video)
- 2015 - PowerPoint - Work on Wellbeing: History, development, and insights, Orlando, USA, June. (video)
- 2015 - Video - NZAPP Conference Opening Address, June.
- 2015 - PowerPoint & Video - The Sovereign New Zealand Wellbeing Index, (video), June.
- 2015 - Oral Presentation - Scope and issues with wellbeing assessments. New South Wales Mental Health Commission, June.
- 2015 - Word Doc - Dr Aaron Jarden on positive psychology: Professor spotlight, Blog for Students of the International Positive Psychology Association, March.
- 2015 - PowerPoint - The benefits of frequent wellbeing assessments: For individuals, coaching, organisation, and schools, Webinar, March.
- 2015 - PowerPoint - Positive education: Creating flourishing schools, Auckland, February.
- 2015 - PowerPoint - Flourishing schools, Wellington, January.
- 2014 - PowerPoint - Rapid wellbeing or your money back, Auckland, October.
- 2014 - PowerPoint - Happiness and wellbeing, Auckland, September.
- 2014 - PowerPoint - Killer data: The importance of real-world, real-time, real-practical, and real-contextualised wellbeing assessments in organisations, Nelson, August.
- 2014 - PowerPoint - Work on Wellbeing: Building the World's Largest and Most In-Depth Psychological Study, Washington DC, August.
- 2014 - PowerPoint - Assessing wellbeing in education, Christchurch, July.
- 2014 - PowerPoint - Healthy living: Wellbeing at work and in life, Auckland, July.
- 2014 - Poster - Cross-cultural validation of the Ways of Savouring Scale, Amsterdam, July.
- 2014 - PowerPoint - Cross-cultural replicability of ways towards happiness clusters, Amsterdam, July.
- 2014 - PowerPoint - Workplace wellbeing: Applied positive psychology at work, Auckland, May.
- 2014 - Poster - Subjective wellbeing and social capital: Their link and comparison between Czech, Indian, South African and New Zealand university students, Amsterdam, July.
- 2014 - Talk - An overview of positive psychology for psychologists, Wellington, March.
- 2013 - PowerPoint - An introduction to positive psychology, Wellington, December.
- 2013 - PowerPoint - Workplace wellbeing: Making work work, Wellington, November.
- 2013 - PowerPoint - 30 minutes to wellbeing and better abs - or your money wasted, Auckland, September.
- 2013 - PowerPoint - The Sovereign Wellbeing Index: Super wellbeing, five ways to wellbeing, and international comparisons, Los Angeles, June, NZ.
- 2013 - Poster - The Sovereign Wellbeing Index, Los Angeles, June, NZ.
- 2013 - PowerPoint - The Sovereign Wellbeing Index: Super wellbeing, five ways to wellbeing, and international comparisons, Auckland, June, NZ.
- 2013 - Program - Štěpánka Dvořáková, Alena Slezáčková, Kamlesh Singh, Rajneesh Choubisa, Aaron Jarden, Fiona Howard: Social capital and subjective wellbeing among university students: Their link and a comparison of Czech, New Zealand and Indian samples, Brno, Czech Republic, May,
- 2012 - PowerPoint - The Future of Wellbeing Assessment, Christchurch, July, NZ.
- 2012 - PowerPoint - Building the world’s largest and most in-depth psychological study, Wellington, April, NZ.
- 2012 - Poster - El Programa de los Martes: Un programa de intervención on-line gratuito para incrementar el bienestar (The Tuesday Program: A free intervention program to increase wellbeing). Poster presented at the First National Congress of Positive Psychology, El Escorial, Madrid, 15-17 March 2012.
- 2011 - PowerPoint - From theory to practice: Developing interconnecting projects in positive psychology, Wellington, December, NZ.
- 2011 - PowerPoint - Positive Psychological Assessment - Presentation, Auckland, September, NZ.
- 2011 - PowerPoint - Positive Psychological Assessment - Workbook, Auckland, September, NZ.
- 2011 - PowerPoint - NZAPP Conference Opening, Auckland, September, NZ.
- 2011 - Poster - The value in values – Relationships between personal values, and depressed mood and subjective wellbeing, Auckland, September, NZ.
- 2011 - PowerPoint - The international wellbeing study: New and stronger paths to wellbeing, Auckland, September, NZ.
- 2011 - Poster - The value in values – Relationships between personal values, and depressed mood and subjective wellbeing, Philadelphia, USA.
- 2011 - PowerPoint - The tuesday program: A free online program to increase wellbeing, Philadelphia, USA.
- 2011 - PowerPoint - The international wellbeing study: New and stronger paths to wellbeing, Philadelphia, USA.
- 2011 - PowerPoint - Ways to wellbeing, Wellington, NZ.
- 2010 - PowerPoint - 21st century psychological research - The International Wellbeing Study, Melbourne, February, Australia.
- 2010 - Word Doc - Building positive psychology research projects, Melbourne, October, Australia.
- 2010 - PowerPoint - The international wellbeing study - development, challenges and initial findings, Christchurch, NZ.
- 2009 - Poster - Can personal values, hope or grit predict academic success?, Philadelphia, USA.
- 2009 - PowerPoint - Managing cross-organisational research teams, Wellington, NZ.
- 2009 - Poster - Can personal values, hope or grit predict academic success?, Palmerston North, NZ.
- 2009 - PowerPoint - Guide to making research grant applications, Wellington, NZ.
- 2008 - PowerPoint - Axiology, psychopathology, and positive psychology - Investigating important relationships between personal values and mood, personality, beliefs, character strengths, and psychopathology, Croatia.
- 2008 - PowerPoint - Individual well-being and its’ relationship to personal values, psychopathology, and character strengths, Christchurch, NZ.
- 2007 - PowerPoint - Study skills for psychology, Christchurch, NZ.
- 2007 - PowerPoint - Screening first year students for readiness to study psychology, Hamilton, NZ.
- 2005 - Poster - Axiology and psychopathology: Thinking about values and psychotherapy, Christchurch, NZ.
- 2004 - PowerPoint - Life coaching and clinical psychology: The therapist as a life coach, Queenstown, NZ.
- 2003 - PowerPoint - The construction and use of belief in cognitive therapy - A discursive analysis, Wellington, NZ.
- 2002 - PowerPoint - Challenging the emperor – The social construction of belief in cognitive therapy, Christchurch, NZ.
- 1999 - Power Point - Moral supervienance, Christchurch, NZ.
- 2022 - Raido - Fathers day. ABC Raido with Joel Rheinberger, September.
- 2022 - Raido - Agreeableness, positivity, and the good life. 3AW with Neil Mitchel, March.
- 2022 - February - BBC, The relationship between the ocean and wellbeing.
- 2020 - June 11th, Sydney Morning Herald, Better chat, more play: the new workplace etiquette rules.
- 2019 - Video - The Insecurity Project. Melbourne, March.
- 2016 - October 31st, TV3, students studying challenges.
- 2016 - September 29th, Prime TV, Student stress.
- 2016 - August, Magazine, North and South - The happiness U-shape and midlife.
- 2016 - July, Webinar, Flourishing Center.
- 2016 - February 18th, Podcast - How to Increase Your Wellbeing.
- 2015, December 2nd, TV3 Story, Protecting our mental health at work.
- 2014 - Stay positive.
- ND - Backstage Positive Psychology with Aaron Jarden - The Positive Psychology Podcast.
- 2011 - Positive psychology.
graduate Students
How my colleagues and my students describe my teaching approach - click here.
In Process
- PhD - Laura Alison - An investigation of flourishing classrooms (1st supervisor).
- PhD - Alejandra Arbe - Attrition of veterinarians from clinical practice and the influence of moral distress (mentor).
- PhD - Gazal Kaur - Exploring predictors of positive transition: A study of wellbeing in intermediate and secondary schools. (1st supervisor, then mentor).
- PhD - Jonathan Bartholomaeus - The empowering role of the belief in a just world for the self in adaptive psychological functioning (2nd Supervisor, then mentor).
- PhD - Wendy Reynolds - Yoga as a self-management tool for health and wellbeing: A study of the flow-on effect of yoga to health, psychological wellbeing and health behaviours/lifestyle (1st supervisor, then mentor).
- PhD - Minhajul Islam Ukil - Fear of failure and entrepreneurial intentions amoung young individuals. (2nd supervisor, now mentor).
- PhD - Sarah Van Rooyen - What is mental toughness and how does it work? (1st supervisor).
- PhD - Lucy Hone - Understanding and measuring wellbeing. (2nd supervisor).
- PhD - Kristen Hamling - Wellbeing across occupations and in the emergency services: A mixed methods study (1st supervisor, then mentor).
- PhD - Jule Kunkel - A healthy lifestyle campaign by-youth-for-youth: The challenge of empowerment and the potential of collaboration (3rd supervisor/mentor).
- PhD - Matthew Iasiello - Complete mental health (2nd supervisor, now mentor).
- Doctorate - Johanne Egan - Thrive: Accentuating the positive in the emergency department (2nd supervisor, then mentor).
- Masters - Kirsty Finter - Assessing wholebeing in a school community. (1st supervisor)
- Masters - Amanda Reid - Wellbeing in New Zealand: A reliability and validity study of the Sovereign Wellbeing Index (2nd supervisor).
- Masters - Jonathan Ward - Associations among greenspace exposure, time in neighbourhood, physical activity, and childhood development (2nd supervisor).
- Masters - Logan Longbourne - Happiness apps: Reinforcing happiness-promoting behaviour through software (2nd supervisor).
- Masters - Taylor Burns - The impact of character strengths and wellbeing on sporting injury (1st supervisor, then mentor).
- Masters - Laura-Jane Booker - Components of work-related wellbeing (1st supervisor, then mentor).
In Process
- PhD - Lourenco Dias Amador - What is the influence of metacognition, and cognitive flexibility and inhibition on the process of innovative critical thinking; and can this process be taught and trained? (1stsupervisor).
- PhD - Emma Phillips - Can virtual reality be used as a tool to improve wellbeing and psycho-social skills in adolescents? (1st supervisor).
- PhD - Patrick McLaren - Exploring the relationship between tabletop roleplaying games and complete mental health: A mixed methods study of adult players. (mentor)
- Masters - Yue Pan - Conceptualising wellbeing in older adulthood of the chinese young-old. (1st supervisor).
- PhD - Likitha Silapurem - Examining the effect of job crafting in reducing distress and improving well-being in teachers (1st supervisor, now 2nd supervisor).
- PhD - Anne Johnstone - Contentedness mindsets (2nd supervisor, now 1st supervisor).
- PhD - David Mezinec - Positive education in schools on scale and over time. What makes it stick? (3rd supervisor, now mentor).
Theses and dissertations Examined
- 2024 - Masters - Do emotion motives constrain the selections of visual, auditory, and taste stimuli to assist in the up- and down- regulation of emotions?
- 2022 - Masters - An empirically grounded theory of conscientiousness as an Aristotelian virtue.
- 2021 - PhD - How hedonic and contra-hedonic motivations to experience positive and negative emotions predict dysfunctional emotion regulation and depressive symptoms.
- 2019 - PhD - Understanding Indonesian primary school teachers’ social-emotional practice.
- 2018 - Masters - Investigating the use of the PERMA theory of wellbeing in the New Zealand General Social Survey.
- 2017 - Masters - Personal values and empathy in relation to individual knowledge and level of support for the TPPA (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement).
- 2016 - Dissertation - Caring for children on the spectrum: The influences on intervention selection, the effectiveness of interventions, and the impact of interventions on caregiving stress as rated by parents.
- 2016 - PhD - An examination of how key stakeholders perceive the influence of common strengths-based approaches on children's learning.
- 2016 - Masters - The happiness imperative: A possible solution to the present day social disconnect.
- 2016 - Masters - Palliative care in hospital: Perceptions of care.
- 2015 - Masters - Positive approaches to life: A smartphone-administered self-help program for adolescents.
- 2015 - PhD - In pursuit of belonging: A socio-ecological perspective of school belonging in secondary school settings.
- 2015 - Dissertation - Experiences and perceptions of single-fatherhood: A qualitative descriptive study.
- 2015 - Masters - Exploring the acceptability of, and adherence to, a carbohydrate-restricted, higher fat diet as an instrument for weight loss in women aged 40-55 years.
- 2015 - Dissertation - The exploration of staff perception of underweight or anorexic clients and related practice in the New Zealand fitness industry.
- 2014 - Dissertation - Predictors of subjective burden and satisfaction with life in caregivers looking after an individual with autism spectrum disorder in New Zealand.
- 2013 - Masters - Well-being in its natural habitat: Orientations to happiness and the experience of everyday activities
- 2012 - PhD - An exploration into physical activity and subjective wellbeing homeostasis.
- 2012 - PhD - The pursuit of happiness: An exploration of older adults’ intentional happiness-enhancing activities and their association with wellbeing and health.
- 2012 - Masters - The Association between neighbourhood social capital and adolescent self-reported wellbeing: a mutilevel analysis.
- 2012 - PhD - In pursuit of optimal psychological health: The role of hedonia and eudiamonia.
Professional Affiliations
- Data Visualization Society
- Resilient Organisations
- New Zealand Association of Positive Psychology (Honorary life member, conferred 31st Oct, 2023)
- New Zealand Psychological Society
- International Positive Psychology Association
- Association for Psychological Science
- Center for Clinical Excellence
- Australian Centre on Quality of Life
- International Society for Research on Internet Interventions
- New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER), test user qualification Level C
- Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
- International Society for Coaching Psychology
- International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment (reviewer)
- Journal of Positive School Psychology - Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Happiness and Health - Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Medical Internet Research, Mental Health, - Editorial Board Member.
- Journal of School and Educational Psychology - Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (reviewer)
- Journal of Positive Psychology (reviewer)
- Journal of Adolescent Health (reviewer)
- Kooloobong Village Positive Residence - International Advisory Team
- The Journal of Happiness and Wellbeing - Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Positive Psychology & Wellbeing - Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Coaching Ethics (Advisor).
- BMC Psychology (reviewer)
- Journal of Contemporary Behavioural and Social Research - Editorial Board Member
- New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management (reviewer)
- Honorary Fellow, Center of Positive Psychology, University of Melbourne, Graduate School of Education.
- 2017 Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program): Social/Behavioral Research Course - Certificate.
Additional Experience
- 2024 - The University of Melbourne Impactful Career Pathways Program graduate.
- 2023 - The University of Melbourne Aspiring Leaders and Managers Program graduate.
- 2022 - The University of Melbourne Research Mentors Program graduate.
- 2019 - Accredited with the Strengths Finder / Clifton Strengths (certificate).
- 2019 - First Aid Training (certificate).
- 2019 - Good Clinical Practice (certificate).
- 2019 - Appointed to Melbourne University College of Reviewers 2019-2022: "The College of Reviewers for 2019 are all highly experienced educators, leaders in curriculum design and teaching and learning, and many are recipients of teaching awards including at the national level".
- 2018 - Accredited with the Strength Profile. (certificate)
- 2017 - Central Queensland University, Positive psychology advisory panel.
- Through my training I have worked in a variety of settings - child and family speciality service, an early intervention for psychosis service, a psychiatric consultation service at a large hospital, an intellectual disability service, a spinal unit, and in a prison treating child sex offenders. In addition I have held positions as an addictions researcher for the National Addiction Centre, Youth Justice Researcher with Victoria University's criminology department, and have volunteered with troubled youth in running adventure programs.
- I have been involved in many conferences, such as on the conference program committee for the 5th World Congress on Positive Psychology 2017.
- I advise businesses and consultancies in the design and implementation of wellbeing applications and frameworks in personal, team and organisational environments.
- I have been vice-president of the Waikato Students Union at the University of Waikato.
- Editor of the student section of the New Zealand Psychological Society's journal, The Bulletin (now Psychology Aotearoa), from July 2005 to November 2007.
- Invited onto the New Zealand Psychological Society, Institute of Clinical Psychology, Grants Committee, 2007.
- Conference organisation - e.g, Wellbeing and Public Policy (conference review) 2012, 1st New Zealand Association of Positive Psychology conference 2011.
- 2013 Duke University Course: Healthcare, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
- 2013 University of Maryland Course: Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The 1st Step in Entrepreneurship.
- 2013 University of Pittsburgh Course: Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health.
- 2014 University of Pennsylvania Course: An Introduction to Marketing.
speaking and consulting
Like most academics, the reality is that I am usually quite busy and my available time for consulting and speaking books up well in advance. The criteria I use to choose to be involved is if a project or speaking engagement offers opportunities for A) collaboration with inspiring people, B) opportunities for personal growth and development, C) the possibility to impact the world in a positive way, and D) income. If you have an engagement in mind where i may add value, email me via the contact page.
Keynote at Happiness and it's Causes 2017 |
This video on the left makes more sense when viewed with the PowerPoint slides below:
Panel discussion below:
Some example feedback:
2017 - "Thank you again for the workshop. You presented extremely well and I was pleased to complete the evaluation form and provide high ratings across the board."
2017 - "Thank you again for the workshop. You presented extremely well and I was pleased to complete the evaluation form and provide high ratings across the board."
Awards, Grants, and Other
Awarded to date = $1,702,982
- 2024 - Award - Strathcona Girls Gramma, 5-Star Innovative School Innovation Award (Wholebeing). and link
- 2024 - Grant - $380,000, Principal Investigator, Cross-Cultural Collaboration for School Wellbeing: Building Capacity and Fostering Connections between Australia and China (applicaiotn in process).
- 2023 - Grant - $25,000, co-investigator, Enhancing healthcare professionals’ health and wellbeing through clinical supervision. Care Economy Research Institute.
- 2023 - Grant - $68,022, Principal Investigator, Cultral adaption of a wellbeing program.
- 2022 - Grant - $15,000, Principal Investigator, Implemeting whole school wellbeing.
- 2022 - Grant - $61,838, Principal Investigator, Development of the Wellbeing Literacy Program.
- 2022 - Grant - $5,000, Principal Investigator, International Global Classrooms Grant.
- 2021 - Grant - 10,000, Principal Investigaror, Beyond Edge wellbeing assessment.
- 2020 - Grant - $70,290, Principal Investigator, Developing the My Wellbeing Planner program.
- 2020 - Grant - $85,000, Principal Investigator, Measuring wellbeing across the New Zealand legal community over three years.
- 2020 - Melbourne Graduate School of Education, Teaching Excellence Award.
- 2019 - Grant, $50,000, co-investigator, Supporting graduate nurse wellbeing, work wellbeing and mental health.
- 2019 - Grant, $5,000, Creativity and wellbeing special issue of the International Journal of Wellbeing.
- 2019 - Grant - $20,000, co-investigator, Play it up - The Science of play.
- 2018 - Grant- $25,676. Travel planning: A collaborative approach working with Seniors to maintain wellbeing when ceasing driving.
- 2018 - 2021 - Fellow - Associate Research Fellow, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), Wellbeing and Resilience Centre.
- 2018 - Grant, $75,000, not yet funded, Building resilience in Aboriginal adolescent youth using an online interactive platform.
- 2018 - Grant, $750,000, not yet funded, Empowered communities leading interventions to prevent alcohol and other drug and other riSk bEhaviours (ECLIPSE) - A stepped wedge trial with Aboriginal adolescents.
- 2018 - Grant, $30,000, The impact of a purpose app.
- 2017 - Grant, $20,000, Wellbeing of international Chinese students.
- 2017 - Grant, $1,200,000, not yet funded, Getting ready for adulthood: A longitudinal study of culturally-informed interventions to strengthen social and emotional wellbeing and resilience among Aboriginal adolescents.
- 2017 - Grant, $20,000, Conceptualisation, prevalence, and impact of wellbeing and resilience in medical and paramedic students.
- 2017 - Grant, $6,500,000, not funded yet, co-investigator, The computational modelling of resilience.
- 2016 - Grant, $6,144, co-investigator, Investigating psychological wellbeing (flourishing) with community dwelling older people adults with multimorbidity - identifying strength based interventions.
- 2016 - Grant application, $75,000, not funded yet, co-investigator, Serious leisure in veterans.
- 2016 - Grant application, $300,000, not funded yet, PI: Enabling human potential in higher education.
- 2016 - Grant application, not funded yet, co-investigator: Health Research Council - Sitting patterns and cardiometabolic risk in NZ adults.
- 2016 - Award, AUT 'Leading Researcher' status.
- 2016 - Grant application, $450,000, not funded yet, PI: Cross-cultural conceptions of happiness and wellbeing: Qualitative and quantitative approaches.
- 2016 - Award, Melbourne University Honorary Fellow.
- 2015 - Award, Auckland University of Technology, Outstanding New and Emerging Lecturer.
- 2015 - Grant, Auckland University of Technology, $200,000, co-investigator: Strategic Research Investment Fund, Mindfulness – How does it work and for whom?
- 2015 - Grant, $1,200,000, co-investigator, Auckland University of Technology, Soverign New Zealand Wellbeing Index.
- 2013 - Grant reviewer for the Health Research Council of New Zealand.
- 2012 - Grant, Hamilton College (NY) - $20,000 Two year International Journal of Wellbeing support grant.
- 2012 - Reviewer for the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
- 2012 - Grant reviewer for the Health Research Council of New Zealand.
- 2011 - Grant, Ako Aotearoa regional hub research grant - $10,000 Wellbeing and Academic Success.
- 2009 - Award, International Positive Psychology Association student scholarship award for First World Congress on Positive Psychology presentation.
- 2009 - Grant, Ako Aotearoa regional hub research grant - $10, 000 Values and academic success.
- 2004 - Award, New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists, Canterbury branch, conference travel award.
- 2002 - Award, Central districts branch of the New Zealand Psychological Society, student research award.
- 1999 - Award, Arthur Prior Merit Award for Philosophy.